The SQLDatabaseResultSet class object returns results from SQL statements. The class is the primary mechanism to fetch responses from the library when using Multiple Active Result Sets.
Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is a feature that allow the execution of multiple sql statements as batches against a single connection and single command object.
However MARS operations execute synchronously from first statement to last statement.
All valid statements can be used in MARS. The execution order can be checked, by using Position property
of SQLDatabaseResultSet class.
The return is always an Array of SQLDatabaseResultSet[] as multiple result sets are returned. Unlike SqlDatabaseConnection, SqlDatabaseCommand the class starts with capital SQL instead of PascalCase the object name is SQLDatabaseResultSet.
This class can only be used when MultipleActiveResultSets is set to true, e.g. MultipleActiveResultSets=true; either in connection string or as Connection Property. See example below.
Some properties contain data only when ExtendedResultSets is set to true. You must pass true or false in ExecuteReader(true), ExecuteNonQuery(true) and ExecuteScalar(true).
Property |
ExtendedResultSet |
Description |
Position |
No |
It provides the position of the query in execution order. e.g. 1 2 etc |
SQLText |
Yes |
The SQL statement which was executed. |
Schemas |
Yes |
Schema names in SQLText e.g. sales.Table, dbo.Table, sdbn.Table only sales, dbo, sdbn etc are shown. Schema's are in the order as they were in sql text. |
Tables |
Yes |
Table names without schema name in SQLText. |
Parameters |
Yes |
Parameters in the query, parameters can be used using @ sign. |
ProcessingTime |
Yes |
Processing time as long (Int64) in milliseconds for this particular query. |
Columns |
No |
Name of all the columns in this result set. |
DataTypes |
No |
Column data types as defined during table creation, null for views. |
Rows |
No |
Rows as List of object array. e.g. List < object[] >() |
RowCount |
No |
Total number of rows in the result set. |
ColumnCount |
No |
Total number of columns in the result set. |
RowsAffected |
No |
Number of affected rows by this particular query 0 for select and int for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. |
ErrorMessage |
No |
Empty if execution was success otherwise error message which occurred during execution of this SQLText.. |
string constr = "uri=file://Orders.db;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";
using (SqlDatabaseConnection cnn = new SqlDatabaseConnection(constr))
using (SqlDatabaseCommand cmd = new SqlDatabaseCommand(cnn))
// Two SELECT Statements.
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers; Select * from Products;";
// Following is valid when using Linq
//List < SQLDatabaseResultSet > rs = cmd.ExecuteReader(true).ToList();
SQLDatabaseResultSet[] ResultSets = cmd.ExecuteReader(true);//true for ExtendedResultSets
if ( (ResultSets != null) && (ResultSets.Length > 0) )
foreach(SQLDatabaseResultSet ResultSet in ResultSets)
// process result set here...