
All downloads are in zip format, the most latest version is you will need either latest operating system with zip / unzip builtin or third party software to unzip the files. The PCL library and .Net library are merged into Net Standard 2.0 Library use this version for all new development.

NuGet Install Library is available for download on NuGet

Install-Package SQLDatabase.Net
Install-Package SQLDatabase.Net.dll (for strong name signed)
Install-Package SQLDatabase.Net.PCL.dll
Title Description Link
Library version
Net Standard 2.0
.Net standard 2.0 library it contains x86 based anycpu, 32 and 64 bit dll's including strong key signed dll.There are no external dependencies, runs on dot net core 2.0 Xamarin and .Net framework without any code changes. It is Compiled with "Any CPU" , x86 and x64. Download version in Zip Format
Library version
Net Standard 2.0
.Net standard 2.0 library it contains x86 based anycpu, 32 and 64 bit dll's including strong key signed dll.There are no external dependencies, runs on dot net core 2.0 Xamarin and .Net framework without any code changes. It is Compiled with "Any CPU" , x86 and x64. See also Example of Visual Studio 2017 Solution Download version in Zip Format
Net Standard 2.0 Library version For all new development use the .Net standard 2.0 library it contains x32 and x64 bit dll's including strong key signed dll.There are no external dependencies, runs on dot net core 2.0 Xamarin and .Net framework without any code changes. It is Compiled with "Any CPU" setting for x86 and x64. Download Net Standard 2.0 Compliant Library in Zip Format
SQLDatabase.Net.dll 3.5 Runtime The library requires minimum Microsoft .NET 3.5 Client Profile to work properly, Download SQLDatabase.Net.dll to use in your own projects. The .dll file can be deployed simply by copying it along with your application there are no external dependencies. It is Compiled with "Any CPU" setting for x86 and x64. Download 3.5 in Zip Format
SQLDatabase.Net.dll 4.5 Runtime Compiled in .net 4 client profile, .net 4.5 and .net 4.6 you can also install directly from nuget gallery or use this command : Install-Package SQLDatabase.Net.
For strong name use : Install-Package SQLDatabase.Net.dll -Version 2.0.1
Multiple Runtimes Version in Zip Format (latest)

Multiple Runtimes Version in Zip Format

4.5 Runtime in Zip Format
Portable Clas Library It works on .Net 4.5, APS.NET Core 1.0, Windows 8 , Windows Phone 8.1, Xamarin Android and iOS classic and Mac. Portable Class Library Version in Zip Format (latest)

Portable Class Library in Zip Format
Android Examples It's a Visual Studio 2015 solutions in C#, showing different ways how to use PCL library in your own mobile project. Xamarin Android Project in Zip Format
Database Viewer Contains only EXE and dlls. CSharp front end Download in Zip Format
Database Viewer Source The database viewer is a simple small GUI application to view data in SQLDatabase.Net created database file. It's a Visual Studio 2015 project. Download Source Code in Zip Format
MonoDevelop Sample A Console application in C# using MonoDevelop (entire solution is attached) written on Ubuntu Linux, the library works same on Windows, MAC and Linux and same .dll file can be deployed without any changes. Mono Runtime is required, e.g. sudo.... mono-complete or sudo... mono-runtime (check full command with vendor or developers of the linux flavor, you are using). MonoDevelop Database Sample in Zip Format
Example Database and SQL Scripts An example orders database with sample data to practice and to get code examples. Database and Scripts in Zip Format
Database and Cache Server Database and cache server, the example code can be downloaded from github directly Zip Format
Tar Format
client at github